Mikuni India Private Limited



Corporate Social Responsibility (‘CSR’) is the Company’s commitment towards their stakeholders to conduct businessiman economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner that is transparent and ethical.

Mikuni India Private Limited (‘Mikuni India’) is committed toundertake CSR activities in accordance with the provisions of Section135 of the CompaniesAct, 2013 and related rules.  Mikuni India believes that corporate development has to be inclusive and every corporatehas to be responsible for the development of a just and human esociety that can build a national enterprise. Mikuni India commits itself to contribute to the society in ways possible for the organization and has setup its core CSR team as a means to fulfill this commitment


Corporate Social Responsibility (‘CSR’) is the Company’s commitment towards their stake holders to conduct business in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner that is transparent and ethical.

Mikuni India Private Limited (‘Mikuni India’) is committed to undertake CSR activities in accordance with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and related rules.

Mikuni India

Mikuni India believes that corporate development has to be inclusive and every corporate has to be responsible for the development of a just and humane society that can build a national enterprise. Mikuni India commits itself to contribute to the society in ways possible for the organization and has set up its core CSR team as a means to fulfill this commitment.


Mikuni India’s CSR policy intends to:

  • Promote projects which are:

    Sustainable and create along term change
    Have specific and measurable goals in alignment with Mikuni India’sphilosophy
    Address the most deserving cause or beneficiaries

  • Developalong-term vision and strategy for its CSR objectives;

  • Establish relevance of potential CSR activities to its core business and create an overview of activities to be under taken in line with Schedule VII of the Companies Act,2013;

  • Establish process and mechanism for the implementation and monitoring of its CSR activities.

Business situation, job interview concept.


  • CSR for 2022-23
  • Mikuni India is the Japanese Subsidiary

In accordance with Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules 2021, MID has formulated its CSR Policy duly approved by the Board of Directors. CSR is essentially a way of conducting business responsibly and MID endeavours to conduct its business operations and activities in a socially responsible and sustainable manner at all times. MID will strive to contribute to inclusive growth and sustainable development with emphasis on development of weaker sections of society and in the Local Districts close to the Company. As per broad objectives of the Policy, CSR activities are being implemented in areas or subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Act. For ease of operation, Mid has deposited Rs. 48,88,718/- (Rupees Forty Eight Lakh Eighty-Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen only) towards Prime Minister National Relief Fund for Financial Year 2022-23. Apart from depositing in Nationalized Funds set up by Government for CSR, MID do CSR activities for benefit of the nearby societies, local areas. For example: Organizing Blood camps, COVID-19 Vaccine camps. Thus, MID make efforts in adding their focus for social welfare. 

Mikuni India is the Subsidiary of a Japanese Company wherein the Group is committed towards societal work. Mikuni's Corporate Social Responsibility begins with its parent bench mark in the welfare. The parent Company is a first initiator in promoting charity and donation. Apart from the Government regulations, Mikuni India follows its Parent Holding for promotion and execution of CSR.

The Company has achieved CSR Fund of Rs. 1 Crore of Financial year 2022-23. Mikuni is driving various ways in which it can distribute CSR fund in best possible manner. 

Although CSR as an activity by Law, Mikuni voluntarily supported activities of EHS (Environment Health and Safety) under the Standard (ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018) and comply with environment, health and safety of its own workers and localites.

Each year MID donates CSR fund to Prime Minister's National Relief Fund. The Company is considering donating funds to schools, NGO who are working for promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects. Additionally, Company make arrangements by donating books, old clothes etc. to the NGO who can help the needy in crisis as of Disaster Management.  

We voluntary support CSR not limited to Schedule VII activities but including cleaning of adjoining roads of the Company premises as Corporate Social Responsibility.

Develop a long-term vision and strategy for its CSR objectives;
Establish relevance of potential CSR activities to its core business and create an overview of activities to be undertaken in line with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013;
Establish process and mechanism for the implementation and monitoring of its CSR activities.
Develop a long-term vision and strategy for its CSR objectives;
Establish relevance of potential CSR activities to its core business and create an overview of activities to be undertaken in line with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013;
Establish process and mechanism for the implementation and monitoring of its CSR activities.


Mikuni India’s CSR policy intends to:

Promote projects which are:

  •  Sustainable and create a long term change
  •  Have specific and measurable goals in alignment with Mikuni India’s   philosophy
  •  Address the most deserving cause or beneficiaries


In accordance with the requirements of the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 including Schedule VII, Mikuni India’s CSR activities will focus on:

Promotion of education especially among children, women, elderly and the differently-abled

Effective resource management and energy efficiency

Performing cleanup activitieson roads and around the plant 

Contribution to Government for CSR Activities


The CSR Committee of the Board shall be composed of the following Directors:

Mr. Shigeru Ikuta


Mr. Takayoshi Hoshina


Mr. Tetsu Inaba


Members of the CSR Committee may be replaced by any other member of the Board.


The CSR Committee shall meet as its members deem necessary to perform the duties and responsibilities but not less than 2 times a year.


  •  Review of the CSR activities to be under taken by Mikuni India.The CSR Committee shall be guided by the list of activities specified in Schedule VII to the Companies Act,2013 and appended to this Policy as Appendix-1. Appendix 1 maybe revised in line with any amendments/inclusions made to Schedule VII of the Companies Act,2013.
  • Formulate and recommend to the Board the CSR activities/programs to be under taken by Mikuni India.
  •  Recommend the CSR Expenditure to be incurredon the CSR activities/programs.
  •  Institute a transparent mechanism for implementation of the CSR projects and activities. Effectively monitor the execution of the CSR activities.
  •  Prepare anannual report of the CSR activities under taken for Mikuni India and submit such report to the Board.


The CSR Committee shall meet as its members deem necessary to perform the duties and responsibilities but not less than 2 times a year.


Review of the CSR activities to be undertaken by Mikuni India. The CSR Committee shall be guided by the list of activities specified in Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013 and appended to this Policy as Appendix – 1. Appendix 1 may be revised in line with any amendments/inclusions made to Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013.

Formulate and recommend to the Board the CSR activities/programs to be undertaken by Mikuni India.

Recommend the CSR Expenditure to be incurred on the CSR activities/programs.

Institute a transparent mechanism for implementation of the CSR projects and activities. Effectively monitor the execution of the CSR activities.

Prepare an annual report of the CSR activities undertaken for Mikuni India and submit such report to the Board.


i.  Approve the CSR Policy and the CSR Expenditure after taking in to consideration the recommendations made by the CSR committee.

ii.   Ensure the CSR spending every financial year of at least 2% of average net profits made during immediately preceding 3 financial years,inpursuance with the Policy.

iii.   Ensure that CSR activities included in the CSR Policy are under taken by Mikuni India and that such activities are related to the activities specified in Schedule VII of the Companies Act.

iv.  Ensured is closure of the contents of the CSR Policy on the Mikuni India’s website.

v.  Directors’ Report for FY2015 onwards to include:

       (a)  Contents of the CSR Policy and Composition of the CSR committee;
       (b)  Anannual reporton the CSR in the prescribed format as per Appendix-2;
       (c)  Reasons for failure (ifany) to spend required amount on CSR activities.

vi.  Mikuni India shall under take the CSR activities directly. The Board may, in the future, decide to undertake and implement its CSR activities through a registered trust or registered society or a Section 8 company (Non-profitentity) established by Mikuni Group. In case the trust, society or a Section 8 company is not established by the company or it sholding or subsidiary or associate company, then such an entity will need to have a 3 years’trackrecord ofunder taking similar projects or programmes.

Voluntary CSR Activities


The day to day implementation and execution of the CSR activities/projects shall be headed by the person nominated by the Committee time to time.

Mikuni India shall undertake the CSR activities directly and also through various implementing agencies such as NGO’s, non-profit organizations, etc. Such implementing agencies shall have an established track record as prescribed under the law.

Some of the initiatives taken up by Mikuni India will facilitate the involvement of Mikuni India’s employees as volunteers in ongoing projects and events, giving them an opportunity to engage in socially meaningful activities, thus, enabling them to realize their full potential and role as socially responsible citizens (Employee Volunteer Programs).

The CSR activities shall be undertaken in locations within India. Mikuni India shall give preference to the local areas and the areas around which Mikuni India operates while considering the activities to be undertaken and spending the amount earmarked for CSR activities.

The initiatives undertaken may be communicated to the employees through specific awareness campaigns, so as to enable maximum participation.

Mikuni India may also collaborate or pool resources with other companies to undertake CSR activities in such a manner that each companies are in a position to report separately on such CSR projects.

The following activities do not qualify as CSR Activities under the Companies Act, 2013:

a) Projects or activities not falling within Schedule VII (Appendix 1);
b) Activities undertaken in pursuance of normal course of business;

c) Projects or programs or activities that benefit only the employees   of Mikuni India and their families;
d) Direct or indirect contribution to any political party.



The Board in its Annual Report shall include the details of the CSR activities undertaken in the Financial Year. The particulars to be stated in there port shall be in the format prescribed in Appendix-2.

The CSR Committee shall provide a responsibility statement on the implementation and monitoring of the CSR Policy and that it is in compliance with CSR objectives of Mikuni India, which statement shall form part of the Boards’ Report.


The CSR committee shall be apprisedon the implementation of the CSR activities and the progress shall be monitor edona quarterly basis.

Mikuni India shall through its internal controls, monitoring and evaluation systems implement, assess,document and report the impact of its CSR activities/projects.

Records relating to the CSR activities and the CSR Expenditure shall be meticulously maintained. The Records shall be submitted for reporting.



The Policy maybe reviewed and amended from time to time.



CSR Activities Listed in Schedule VII of the Companies Act,2013

CSR shall focus on social, economic and environmental impact rather than mere output and outcome. Activities which are adhoc and philanthropic in nature shall be avoided. Various activities that can be undertaken in general under CSR are out lined below:

1.   eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting health care including preventive health care and sanitation including contribution to the Swach Bharat Kosh set-up by the Central Government for the promotion of sanitation and making available safe drinking water:;

2.   promotion of education; including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, woman, elderly and the differently able dand livelihood enhancement projects;

3.   promoting gender equality and empowering women; setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans, setting upoldage homes,day care centres, and such other facilities for senior citizens and measures for reducing in equalities faced by socially and economically backward groups;

4.   ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water including contribution to the Clean Ganga Fund setup by the Central Government for rejuvenation of river Ganga;

5. protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of buildings and sites of historical importance and works of art;setting up ofpublic libraries;promotion and development of traditional arts and handicrafts;

6.  measures for the benefit ofarmed for cesveterans, warwidows and their dependents;

7.  training to promote rural sports, nationally recognized sports,and paralympic sports and Olympic sports;

8.   contribution to the PrimeMinister’s National Relief Fund or anyother fund set up by the Central Government or the State Governments forsocio-economic development and relief and welfare of the Scheduled Castes,the Scheduled Tribes,otherbackward classes,minorities and women;

9.   contributions or funds provided to technology incubators located with in academic institutions which are approved by the Central Government;and

10.   rural development projects

11.   slum area development


Format for the annual report on CSR activities to be included in the Board’s Report
(As per CSR Rules,2014)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sr. No
CSR project/ activity identified
Sector in which the Project is Covered
Projects/ Programmes 1.Local area/others 2.Specifythe state/district (Name ofthe District/s,State/swhere project/programmewasundertaken
Amount outlay (budget) project/ programmewise
Amount spent onthe project/ programme Subheads: 1.Direct expenditure on project, 2.Overhead
Cumulative spendupto tothe reporting period
Amount spent: Direct/through implementing agency

In case the Company has failed to do the minimum mandated Corporate Expenditure, it shall provide the reasons for doing so in the Board Report.

Are sponsibility statement of the CSR committee shall also be included in the Board’sReport.